01964 613355 info@themeridian.co.uk

Train Time

Date(s): Wednesday 8th January 2025 | Time: 10:30 am - 11:30 am

Location: Kay Kendal Suite, The Meridian Centre Withernsea


Stay and play sessions for train loving children!

Join us as we take your child on a whistle stop tour of all things trains! If your child loves playing trains, they’ll love Train Time UK.

With an epic train track of over 200 feet long, your child will be amazed at what is on offer. Have fun with your little one and play trains until your heart is content. With so many trains to choose from and lots of exciting track features, you’re set for a wonderful 60 minutes of Train Time! Bring a travel mug for free tea and coffee.

Booking essential please visit Traintimeuk.co.uk